Book Discussion On Reimagining Innovation System of Covid and Post Covid World

The Book Discussion Function
Organized By the Indian Research Scholars Association
Edited By Lakhwinder and Singh, K J Joseph
Invited Guests
Chief Guest: Prof. Bengt-Åke Lundvall, Aalborg University, Denmark
Session Chair: Prof. Lakhwinder Singh, Visiting Professor, IHD, New Delhi, Editor, Millennial Asia, Sage Scopus Journal
Co-Chair: Prof. K J. Joseph, Director, Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation and Editor, Innovation and Development, Routledge, Scopus Journal
Panelist: Prof. R. K Brahme, Dean of Social Science Faculty, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur
Panelist: Prof. Raksha Singh, Professor of Economics, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak
Panelist: Dr. Raj Yadav, Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies, JNU
Panelist: Prof. Utasav Anand, Former head of the Department of Economics, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central University, Sagar
About The Programme
Session Chair: Prof. Lakhwinder Singh
Co-Chair: Prof. K J. Joseph
Moderator: Sakshi Singh
Moderator: Arati Devi
Reporter: Papi Halder
Reporter: Naina Prasad
1 Welcome Address Vikash Kumar, President of IRSA 3 P.M to 3: 05 P.M
2 Chief Guest Address Prof. Bengt-Åke Lundvall 3: 05 P.M. to 3:15 P.M
3 Panelist Prof. R. K Brahme 3:15 P.M to 3:30 P.M
4 Panelist Prof. Raksha Singh, 3:30 P.M to 3:40 P.M
5 Panelist Dr. Raj Yadav 3:40 P.M to 3:50 P.M
6 Panelist Prof. Utasav Anand 3: 50 P.M to 04: P.M
7 Discussion Session Questions to Panelists 15 Minutes
7 Session Chair: Address Prof. Lakhwinder Singh 04:15 P.M to 04:20 P.M
8 Co-Chair Address Prof. K J. Joseph 04:20 P.M to 04:25 P.M
9 Vote of Thanks Ashwani Kumar
Note: I request that participants and guests join this Google Meet Link . 5 Minutes before
May be an image of 9 people and text that says 'Day: Tuesday Date: 02, May 2024 Time: P.M DISCUSSION ON REIMAGINING INNOVATION SYSTEMSI IN H COVID AND POST-COVID WORLD Indian Research Scholars Association Chief Guest Session Chair Google Google Meet Link: Lakhwinder Singh, Bengt- Äke University, Session Co- Chair Editor, MillennialA ,Sage Scopus Journal Panelist Panelist Joseph, Director, Finance Taxation Prof.R. Panelist Brahme Routledge, Scopus Journal Ravishankar Raksha Singh, Raipur National University, Amarkanatk Organizing Committee Coordinator adav, Central Utasay Convenor Introduction Economics, Central University, Vikash Kumar, Reimagining Innovation Systems the COVID and Post-COVID World O-Secretary O-Secretary Papi Halder Lucknow Univeralty especially Edited by Lakhwinder Singh and K Joseph the'
Book discussion program
Book discussion was organized by Indian Research Scholars Association at 3 pm. The title of this book is “Reimagining Innovation System of Covid and Post Covid World”. Professors and research scholars from India and abroad also participated in this discussion. Prof. was the chief guest in this discussion. Benkt AK Lundvall (world renowned economist, and Aalborg University, Denmark) was present while the discussion was chaired by Prof. Lakhwinder Singh (former Head of Department of Economics, Panjab University Patiala and Research Fellow IHD, New Delhi) and co-chaired the session. Pro. KJ Joseph did it. Four famous economists of India were present as panelists in this book discussion. The first speaker was Prof. Ravindra Kumar Brahmo (Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur), the second speaker was Prof. Raksha Singh (Professor, Department of Economics, Amarkantak University), the third speaker was Prof. Utsav Anand (former Head, Department of Economics). , Dr. Harisingh Gour University, Sagar) were present and the fourth speaker was Dr. Raj Yadav (Jawahar Lal Nehru University, New Delhi). At the beginning of the session, Vikash Kumar (Founder Indian Research Scholars Association) welcomed all the guests.
This book was edited by Prof. Lakhwinder Singh and K. J. Joseph, published by Routledge in January 2024. The book focuses on innovation systems addressing health and socio-economic disparities in India, Africa, Brazil, Costa Rica, and other countries. It looks at different countries’ responses to the shocks imposed on economies and health systems by the pandemic, from the perspectives of government institutions as well as businesses, industries and communities. The pandemic forced many organizations to adopt various innovative strategies to contain the spread of COVID-19 and improve the lives of people including employees, people from marginalized communities and low-income groups suffering due to the disease. The chapters in this book study innovative interventions and community-based measures that reached many people and paved the way for policies that helped communities rebuild sustainably. This section also analyzes how these newly created and streamlined health and economic innovation systems will be leveraged in the post-COVID-19 world to address vulnerabilities and inequities in health and governance, particularly in the Global South For the countries of. In this, Chief Guest Prof. Lundvall said that Covid 19 can be seen as a stress test of the current world system including the global production and innovation system. Will these systems be suitable to deal with the problems emerging in the human era, including global warming? The test result is negative. This reflects the shortcomings of the fundamental system. Covid also tested national systems of health, production and innovation. Many national systems failed to respond to the pandemic. The Covid-crisis accelerated pre-Covid trends Globalization of manufacturing slowed – but international trade in digital services increased. Covid strengthened the dominance of intellectual monopolies – big pharma in Europe and the US and digital tech giants in the US and China. Covid intensified the technology war between the US and China. Political leaders in both countries consider Artificial Intelligence the key to economic progress and security. Covid exposes global contrasts Covid 19 has already shown what happens when nature strikes back Covid 19 has shown that global inequality reflects the varying strengths of national innovation systems. Covid 19 demonstrated the limits of national action to respond to a global crisis.. New forms of global governance are desperately needed. There is no alternative to the United Nations system. The other four speakers on this book threw light on all three parts of the book. The first part of which is Reimagining Innovation Systems 1: Theoretical Implications of Digitalization New Mode of Innovation Incorporating STI and DUI-Mode (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as ‘Invention of the Method of Invention’) – AII-Mode? The transformation of human interaction – people as guinea pigs delivering data through their actions and choices – ‘everyday life (including education, health and culture) as a laboratory?’ (Cf. Freeman – ‘The factory as a laboratory’) was also influenced by this. The four speakers also highlighted the second part of the book, titled ‘Reimagining Innovation Systems’. Historical changes China’s advance Bipolarization of the world STI-system and how it slows down the green transition. Multiple crises where different crises connect and reinforce each other. The contradiction between AI’s potential and real-world chaos. Everyone discussed reimagining innovation systems. The third part of this book is ‘Political Activism’.There is a need to re-evaluate IPR and anti-trust regulation as big pharma and tech giants earn rents globally on the basis of privatized intellectual capital. There is a need to globally redirect the development of artificial intelligence so that it can offer solutions to social, ecological and human problems. We need the formation of global civil society organizations as the democratic basis for new forms of global governance. ‘Globalization from below’. The global network Globalix is a contribution. Participants from various institutions, universities, and colleges participated in this discussion. At the end, all the participants asked questions related to the book, which were answered by Prof. Lundvall.
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