Doing Primary Survey: How do We Address Biases and Errors Speaker: Prof. l. Venkatachalam (Professor, Madras Institute of Development Studies and Professor Chair RBI)

Prof. l. Venkatachalam (Professor, Madras Institute of Development Studies and Professor Chair RBI)

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A lecture on the topic ‘Primary Survey Need and Importance’ was organized by the Indian Research Scholars Association on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 4 pm. The main speaker of this topic was Prof. l. Venkatachalam (Professor, Madras Institute of Development Studies and Professor Chair RBI) be present. At the beginning of the program, our guest greeted and congratulated the entire team of this institution and said that it is important to have such forums where students and researchers together organize programs. He also said that the way this association is working actively, the research students will benefit a lot. At the beginning of the lecture, he shared his field visit experiences and told that during that time many mistakes happen due to which the research results are not meaningful. He said in his lecture that we need to avoid prejudices. Whenever research work is done, it is necessary to anticipate different situations. This creates obstacles in our thinking and understanding and we hesitate in adopting new things. He also shared practical research estimates and coordination in the lecture. During this, at the end of the program, many research students also asked questions which were answered by Professor Venkatachalam. At the beginning of the program, welcome address was given by Vikas Kumar, Researcher, Department of Political Science and Human Rights, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak. He welcomed and congratulated our guest and explained the nature of the program. This lecture was conducted by Papi Haldar, Research Scholar, Lucknow University and the co-ordinators of the program were Sakshi Singh, Research Scholar, BHU and Dhiresh Tiwari, Research Scholar, JNU. The program was organized by Kuldeep, Research Scholar, Nagpur University. At the end of the program, many curiosities of the research scholars and students were resolved through a question-and-answer session. All the listeners benefited from the thoughts of our chief guest. Many researchers, students and listeners were present in this lecture. Ganeshi Lal, Researcher, Ashwini, Researcher, Naina Prasad, Researcher, Neha Prasad, Researcher, Kolkata etc. remained connected. This lecture was organized through Google Meet.

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