Quality is a must in research: Prof. Manish Kumar Verma
Indian Research Scholars Association organized a lecture on ‘How to organize social research’ on Monday, June 17, 2024 at 11:30 am. The keynote speaker of this topic was Prof. Manish Kumar Verma (Dean Ambedkar School of Social Sciences and Dean, School of Vocational and Futuristic Studies; Professor, Department of Sociology, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow and non-ex officio member, ICSSR, New Delhi). At the beginning of the program, Prof. Verma wished and congratulated the entire team of this institution and said that it is important to have such platforms where students and researchers organize programs together. At the beginning of the lecture, he shared his research experiences and told that many mistakes are made during research due to which the results of the research are not meaningful. The way to avoid this is that when the synopsis is made, all the concepts and doubts should be resolved during that time so that those mistakes can be avoided while writing the thesis. He presented the scientific technique and structure of writing synopsis to everyone. In the beginning, he presented the introduction, literature review and the travelogue till the bibliography and said that the structure of research depends on its nature, so it is necessary to avoid the old tradition of research and for the quality of one’s research, tools and techniques should be used based on its nature. In his lecture, he also emphasized on this dimension that there is a need to avoid bias in research, whenever research work is done, it is necessary to estimate different situations in it. This creates a hindrance in our thinking and understanding and we hesitate to adopt new things. In the lecture, he also shared the coordinated form of the assumptions and sequences of practical research. During this, at the end of the program, many research students also asked questions which were answered by Professor Manish Verma. At the beginning of the program, Vikas Kumar, Research Scholar, Department of Political Science and Human Rights, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak gave a welcome address. He welcomed and greeted our guest and explained the format of the program. In his lecture, Prof. Verma talked about the importance of research, its quality and writing and also said that the nature of current research is very dynamic, so it is necessary to clarify its major aspects. Whenever an idea is taken from a research paper or book, it is necessary to give its reference. One should not do this that if a research paper has not been read and its reference has been given, then all these aspects come under plagiarism. While sharing research techniques, he said that in social science, the circumstances keep changing according to the area and circumstances, so the need is to understand its form and nature. This lecture was conducted by Ashwani Kumar, Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak and the co-director of the program was Sakshi Singh, Research Scholar, BHU and the other Chandrabhal Tiwari, Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow. At the end of the program, many queries of the researchers and students were resolved through a question-answer session. All the listeners benefited from the views of our chief guest. Ganeshi Lal, researcher, Ashwini, researcher, Naina Prasad, researcher, Neha Prasad, Minati, Miji Singh and Sunita Yadav etc. participated in this lecture. This lecture was organized through
Google Meet.

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